4/21(土)早稲田ZONE-B FINE TUNING! & the blue leeching ambulance songs presents (出演) the blue leeching ambulance songs (札幌)、 control Soloist+Nemoto Jun WOTZIT THREE MINUTE MOVIE (set list) This Is The Sound Betting For Broke Play…
4/21(土)早稲田ZONE-B FINE TUNING! & the blue leeching ambulance songs presents (出演) the blue leeching ambulance songs (札幌)、 control Soloist+Nemoto Jun WOTZIT THREE MINUTE MOVIE 前売りはDMもしくは→hajime@wj8.so-net.ne.jpまでお名前…
4/8(日)MSD presents"INTO THE PIT vol.47"@西荻窪Pit Bar ROCKBOTTOMTHE KNOCKSTHE HAVENOTSthe WeekpointsLITTERSHATEMAN (set list) HeartacheShe is AUTOBAHN(新曲)I am a radio(新曲)Pretty Terorrist(新曲)DriveAway(新曲)NEVERLANDUptown…